Responsive - Produkte können nicht in den Warenkorb gelegt werden

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05.12.2020 18:40
User PixelAgency
Name: Andre
Сообщения: 29
Aw: Responsive - Produkte können nicht in den Warenkorb gelegt werden

admin - 04.12.2020 22:41
Your site work only if use proxy (for me)

That is strange and I don't understand why. It's a normal hosted website, no geoblocking included.

admin - 04.12.2020 22:41
Add product pro cart - work now.

Yes, sometimes and for some customers it works.
For others not. And they reporting it. And I don't know where to search for the error because of the lack of being a permanent, reproducable error.

05.12.2020 21:06
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 26049
Aw: Responsive - Produkte können nicht in den Warenkorb gelegt werden

1 time work
2 time not works.
Send me ftp access.
admin login?
(forum privat msg.)

Последнее изменение: 05.12.2020 21:21
08.12.2020 09:29
User PixelAgency
Name: Andre
Сообщения: 29
Aw: Responsive - Produkte können nicht in den Warenkorb gelegt werden

PN sent

11.12.2020 12:28
User PixelAgency
Name: Andre
Сообщения: 29
Aw: Responsive - Produkte können nicht in den Warenkorb gelegt werden

For all who read along:

The solution was disabling an incompatible cookie-plugin ("EU privacy directive plugin").
The reason why it sometimes works and sometimes not was probably the different cookie handling.

I replaced it with another cookie plugin and now the error is (hopefully) gone.

Thanks a lot for the support!

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