Menu item SEO metal description

25.04.2023 12:07
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Scrabble
Сообщения: 33
Menu item SEO metal description

JoomShopping ignores the meta description for the menu item set up in Joomla 4 menu item configuration.

So, I looked at JoomShopping > Configuration > SEO and added a meta description to the pre-existing first option of "Main page (main category)" then checked the page source on the front end for the meta description. Nothing.

I then added a meta description to the shopping cart option. That works.

I then tried adding a new page, giving the new Alias of /shop-and-resources/shop-overview (a real page on the site) and added a meta description. Nothing appeared on the front end.

I then tried adding another new page, giving the full URL/Alias of https://www.mywebsite/shop-and-resources/shop-overview and added a meta description. Nothing appeared on the front end.

THEN, I discovered that there is no delete or disable option.

Why is JoomShopping overriding the Joomla core menu settings for the main menu items?

Joomla: 4.2.9
JoomShopping: 5.1.3
PHP: 8.0

25.04.2023 12:28
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Scrabble
Сообщения: 33
Aw: Menu item SEO metal description

I have answered the question myself.

Don't use the Configuration > SEO options, use Categories > categories tree to add meta descriptions for the pages that these categories appear on.


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