JoomShopping configuration

13.01.2013 15:16
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 26308
JoomShopping configuration (General)

JoomShopping configuration (General)

Shop administrator E-Mail - for order email.

Template - template shop

Displaying prices in the admin area - input price as netto/brutto

Displaying prices in the front end - frontend price: (netto price, plus tax / brutto price, incl. tax)

Use SSL - SSL(https) for login, registration, checkout page

Save info to Logfile, Save info Payment to Logfile - use log file

Security key - key for import/export

Hide copyright - enter key for hide copyright (

Последнее изменение: 22.08.2013 09:35
13.01.2013 15:38
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 26308
Aw: JoomShopping configuration (Category / Product)

Aw: JoomShopping configuration (Category / Product)

List products / Product
Show tax
Show product tax in cart
Show "Plus shipping"
Hide products which are not avaible on the stock
Hide buy button when product isn't available in stock
Hide Text "product is not available"
Show "Delivery time"
Show Price for Basic members
Show price
Display weight in

List products
Amount of products on page - for creation of a new category
Amount of products in row - for creation of a new category
Amount of categories in row - for category / manufacturer / vendors
Change "products on page" and "products in row" for all category
Category sorting
Manufacturer sorting
Product sorting
Sort direction Product
Show buy button in a product list
Show sorting controls on a page
Show "product count on page" select box
Show filters
Show product weight
Show manufacturer
Show product Code
Show minimum price
Show description price
Show Characteristics
Show Characteristics (Search)
Show Characteristics in cart
Quantity in stock
Short description multiline
Amount of products on page
Amount of products in row

Show demo file as "media"
Show manufacturer logo
Show manufacturer
Show product weight
First value attributte - empty
Displays attribute values vertically
Show the extra price for the attributes
Show product Code
Use content plugins in descriptions?
Allow comments for products
Allow comments from registered users only
Show review without confirmation
Show button Back
Show button print
Quantity in stock
Comment maximal mark
Amount of related products in a row
Hide Characteristics

Последнее изменение: 22.08.2013 09:35
13.01.2013 15:42
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 26308
Aw: JoomShopping configuration (Checkout)

Configuration for Cart and checkout page
Aw: JoomShopping configuration (Checkout)

Default order status
Next order will start numbering from
Hide shipping step (use first)
Hide payment step (use first)
Free shipping for order (price) over
PDF invoice to the customer
PDF invoice to the admin
Send invoice manually
Hide tax
Display registration form on login page
Sort of the country in alphabetical order
Default country
Sequence of steps
Show product weight
Show manufacturer
Show product Code
Basic price
Use full amount for the coupon
Сalculate tax after discount
Show Cart at all steps of the checkout
Not redirect in cart after buy
Show "return policy" in email order
Customer may cancel an order
Notice of Order to the vendor
Used decimal quantity
Delivery of order depends on delivery of product
Show "Delivery time"
Show "Delivery time" (Product)
Show delivery time for product in order (e-mail)
Show "Delivery date"
Invoice Date
Weight in invoice
Shipping in invoice
Payment in invoice
Terms of Service
Maximum number of items to be able to order
Minimum number of items to be able to order
Maximum order price
Minimum order price

Последнее изменение: 18.06.2015 14:03
13.01.2013 15:45
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 26308
Aw: JoomShopping configuration (Shop function)

Enable/Disable function shop
Aw: JoomShopping configuration (Shop function)

Enable wishlist
Use Discount code
Purchase without registering
Use as catalog
Use individual template for each category and product
Unit of measure
Extended parameters for attributes
Shop mode (developer - for enable options / logs)

Free attributes
Delivery time
Related products
Purchase price
Basic price

Последнее изменение: 02.03.2019 19:20
02.05.2013 21:49
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 26308
Aw: JoomShopping configuration (Other config)

Aw: JoomShopping configuration (Other config)

Extended tax rule for
Automatically save alias
Tax on delivery address
Back to shop (link in cart)
Product button back (use end list)
Display tax ID in PDF
Image quality
Image fill color
Product price qty discount
Rating star parts
Show list price shipping weight
Product price precision
Cart decimal qty precision
Default frontend currency ID
Product file upload (via ftp): (0 - upload file / 1 - set name file, 2 - {0 and 1})
Product file upload count
Product image upload count
Product video upload count
Product video (possibility of insert code)
Max total of download sale file
Max total of day sale file
Display new digital products (order)
Show user groups info
Show user group
Load jQuery
jQuery version
Load Lightbox
Load javascript
Load css
Calculate basic price from product price (List products)
Calculate basic price from product price

Последнее изменение: 22.08.2013 09:36
02.05.2013 21:52
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 26308
Other config in default_config.php


For changes "default_config":
create components\com_jshopping\lib\user_config.php,
copy appropriate line in the user_config.php.

$config->image_product_live_path, $config->image_product_path - path images products

$config->count_product_select - The list for number of products per page

$config->user_field_title = array(0=>_JSHOP_REG_SELECT, 1=>_JSHOP_MR, 2=>_JSHOP_MS); - field title for registration

$config->user_field_client_type - field client type for registration

Select product sorting:

Product on page:
$config->count_product_select = array('5'=>5, '10' => 10, '15' => 15, '20' => 20, '25' => 25, '50' => 50, '99999'=>_JSHOP_ALL);

Последнее изменение: 05.12.2014 21:03

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