Hidden settings store

05.05.2012 19:21
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 26901
Hidden settings store

File: components\com_jshopping\lib\static_config.php (version <3.7.0)

Back button in cart. variants(product - product detail, list - product list, shop - home page shop)
$config->cart_back_to_shop = "list"; //product, list, shop

Display Tax id client in pdf order
$config->display_tax_id_in_pdf = 0;

Resize image quality
$config->image_quality = 100;

Resize image fill color
$config->image_fill_color = 0xffffff;

Price per consignment type discount
$config->product_price_qty_discount = 2; // (1 - price, 2 - percent)

Rating star is divided
$config->rating_starparts = 2; //star is divided to {2} part

Use simle sef
$config->use_simple_sef = 0;

Display shipping prices for weight
$config->show_list_price_shipping_weight = 0;

Product price precision (Database)
$config->product_price_precision = 2;

Precision quantity for cart
$config->cart_decimal_qty_precision = 2;

Default currency id (frontend)
$config->default_frontend_currency = 0;

Upload file for product via ftp (0 - upload file, 1- set name file, 2- {0,1})
$config->product_file_upload_via_ftp = 0;

Number of files for product
$config->product_file_upload_count = 1;

Number of image for product
$config->product_image_upload_count = 10;

Number of video for product
$config->product_video_upload_count = 3;

Max. number download sales file
$config->max_number_download_sale_file = 3; //0 - unlimit

Max. days download sales file
$config->max_day_download_sale_file = 365; //0 - unlimit

Display new digital product in order
$config->order_display_new_digital_products = 1;

Display my user group in my profile
$config->display_user_group = 1;

Display all user group in my profile
$config->display_user_groups_info = 1;

Display delivery time for product in order mail
$config->display_delivery_time_for_product_in_order_mail = 1;

Последнее изменение: 30.05.2012 12:01

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