Universal CSV Import. Example and type field.

11.02.2012 22:47
(Support Team)
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Name: Admin
Posts: 26498
Universal CSV Import/Export. Example and type field.

Field: id - Product ID
Type: integer
Example: 320

Field: ean - Product Code
Type: string
Example: A0000123

Field: quantity - product quantity
Type: integer, ("+" - unlimited)
Example: 120

Field: add_date
Type: date (default: Y-m-d H:i:s). You can configure
Example: 2010-10-10 23:50:51

Field: modyfy_date
Type: date (default: Y-m-d H:i:s). You can configure
Example: 2010-10-10 23:50:51

Field: published
Type: integer (1,0)
Example: 1

Field: tax_name
Type: stirng
Example: Normal

Field: tax_value
Type: float
Example: 19

Field: url - Detail description product
Type: string
Example: http://www.test.com/

Field: old_price
Type: float
Example: 120.25

Field: purchase_price
Type: float
Example: 320.23

Field: price
Type: float
Example: 100.05

Field: currency
Type: string(3)
Example: USD

Field: weight
Type: float
Example: 25.00

Field: average_rating
Type: float
Example: 7.50

Field: reviews_count
Type: integer
Example: 20

Field: hits
Type: integer
Example: 320

Field: unit_of_measurement_count
Type: float
Example: 2.50

Field: label
Type: string
Example: New

Field: images - list images
Type: string(Name, Url)
Example Name: test.jpg|test2.jpg|test3.jpg
Need upload 3 file in ftp folder /components/com_jshopping/files/img_products

Example Url: http://www.test.com/test.jpg|http://www.test.com/test2.jpg

Field: videos
Type: string(Name, Url)
Example Name: test.avi|test2.avi|test3.avi
Need upload 3 file in ftp folder /components/com_jshopping/files/video_products

Example Url: http://www.test.com/test.avi|http://www.test.com/test2.avi

Field: sale_files
Type: string(Name, Url)
Example Name: test.avi|test2.avi|test3.avi
Need upload 3 file in ftp folder /components/com_jshopping/files/files_products

Example Url: http://www.test.com/test.avi|http://www.test.com/test2.avi

Field: demo_files
Type: string(Name, Url)
Example Name: test.avi|test2.avi|test3.avi
Need upload 3 file in ftp folder /components/com_jshopping/files/demo_products

Example Url: http://www.test.com/test.avi|http://www.test.com/test2.avi

Field: manufacturer
Type: string
Example: Sony

Field: delivery_time
Type: string
Example: 3 day

Field: units_of_measurement
Type: string
Example: Liter

Field: name
Type: string
Example: product name

Field: alias
Type: string
Example: product-name

Field: short_description
Type: string
Example: test test test

Field: description
Type: string
Example: big description

Field: meta_title
Type: string
Example: title product

Field: meta_description
Type: string
Example: description for google

Field: meta_keyword
Type: string
Example: keyword for search

Field: category
Type: string (category/subcategory|category2....)
Example: category/subcategory|cat1/subcat1
Descr.: product in 2 category

Field: vendor
Type: string
Example: email@email
Descr.: Email vendor. The vendor must already exist.

Field: price_per_consignment - Price per consignment
Type: string (from:to:price|from2:to2:price2|...)
Example: 1:10:120|11:100:115|101:1000:105

Field: related_produts - list id related product
Type: string (id|id2|id3...)
Example: 5|6|7

Field: characteristics - list charactiristcs
Type: string (name:value|name2:value2|name3:value3/value4...)
Example: Power:100|Doors:4|multich:val1/val2

Field: freeattributes - list Free attribute
Type: string (name|name2...)
Example: Label

Field: attributes - list attribute
Type: string
Example (attribute Dependent): color:Red/size:M/price:121/count:12/ean:Ab12342/old_price:150/weight:20|color:Red/size:S/price:122/count:12/ean:Ab12342/old_price:150/weight:20
Descr.: 2 Dependent attribute

Example (attribute Independent): color:Red/pricemod:+/price:2|color:Blue/pricemod:-/price:1|size:xl/pricemod:-/price:1
Descr.: 2 Independent attribute

Field: price_for_group - Price for user group (Need install Addon "Product price for User Group")
Type: string (group:price|group2:price2...)
Example: Silver:125|Gold:121

Field: shippings - Shipping for product (Need install addon "Shipping product")
Type: string (SH_PR_ID:price:publish|SH_PR_ID:price:publish...)
SH_PR_ID - shipping price id (see ../administrator/index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=shippingsprices)
price: float or -1. (-1 - use default price shipping)
publish: (1,0)
Example: 1:12.5:1|2:10:0

Field: product_template - template joomshopping
Type: string
Example: templ22

Field: pfand (need install addon Flaschenpfand)
Type: float
Example: 10.00

pfand_tax_name (need install addon Flaschenpfand)
Type: string
Example: normal

pfand_tax_value (need install addon Flaschenpfand)
Type: float
Example: 10.00

jshop_tags (need install addon Tags)
Type: string (name|name2...)
Example: tag1|tag2

availability_status (need install addon Availability status)
Type: integer
Example: 1 <- ID Availability status

product_on_order (need install addon Product on order)
Type: integer
Example: 0 or 1

date_avaliable (need install addon Date available)
Type: datetime
Example: 2018-01-26 09:58:29

label_multiselect (need install addon Product multiLabel)
Type: text
Example: 1,2 <- ID Label

(Only for export)
Field: website_product_url - product url
Example: http://www.shop.com/shop/category/poduct

Example CSV:

Last change: 18.01.2018 08:34

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