Automatically email customer on update status

23.09.2014 10:43
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: harrold
Posts: 19
Automatically email customer on update status

Hi there,

We are using joomshopping for a couple of weeks now and one of the add ons we use is mass order. This now works perfect except that we would like one more functionality added.

At the moment, when the status is changed through the mass order then there is no option to also send an email to the customer automatically. Also we have to select not only the order but we also have to change every single order status manually as well before clicking on the status button.

What would we like to achieve....

We would like to select several orders at once (only the first selection option, not the status update option)

Then when clikking the button "status" get a popup with a drop down in which we find all the statusses where we can make a choice of new status

When we then confirm the selected status, the status of all the orders selected should change and there should always be a email send out automatically to the customer.

i understand this is customization for which i am hoping to receiev a estaimate of the cost which would be involved.

Joomla: 3.3.0
JoomShopping: 4.4.0
PHP: 5.5.15
Website Url:
23.09.2014 10:54
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25966
Aw: Automatically email customer on update status

will be later in new version Addon.

29.09.2014 09:21
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: harrold
Posts: 19
Aw: Automatically email customer on update status

Ok, so as far as i understand it is not something for which i could hire you to get it done before the update?

29.09.2014 09:36
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25966
Aw: Automatically email customer on update status

For order developments

02.11.2014 08:56
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25966
Aw: Automatically email customer on update status

Install new version Orders mass actions 1.1.0


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