Reward addon issues

13.08.2014 11:33
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: harrold
Posts: 19
Reward addon issues


I am using the reward addon and as far as i can tell, when setting up the reward for the order tab, it is possible to deduct a amount for the discount reward cost and the shipping reward cost.

I have entered an amount of 0.04 €/pnt but it is not taking the discount. When i place an order of € 39,31 which has included € 6,95 shipment cost and having used a discount of € 0,40, it still gives me 39,31 points instead of the (39,31 - (6,95 + 0,40))= 31.96 points.

Am i doing something wrong or is it simply not taking the discount calculations?

Joomla: 3.3.3
JoomShopping: 4.4.0
PHP: 5.3.11
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14.08.2014 10:00
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26012
Aw: Reward addon issues

Discount reward cost
Shipping reward cost
Payment reward cost
Package reward cost

for payment system Reward (Not for order)


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