"Archive does not exist" installing order export addon: how to install?

13.06.2014 12:02
User dewebmeester
Name: Meindert
Сообщения: 17
"Archive does not exist" installing order export addon: how to install?

"Archive does not exist" installing order export addon

Trying to install the export order addon and get: "Archive does not exist" trying to install from Joomshopping administrator/index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=update or from the Joomla installer.
Trying to manually upload (which succeeded) and run update.php which comes in packege and get:
Fatal error: Class 'JFactory' not found in /public_html/update.php on line 8
Joomshopping 4.5.0 and Joomla 3.3.1

So how to install this?

Joomla: 3.3.1
JoomShopping: 4.5.0
PHP: 5.4
14.06.2014 12:58
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 25946
Aw: "Archive does not exist" installing order export addon: how to install?

Addon work for me.
Problem in your server configuration.


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