Addon Attributes with Dropdown Selection Box

12.04.2013 05:31
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Debra McNeill
Сообщения: 5
Addon Attributes with Dropdown Selection Box

I'm considering switching a client from VM to Joomshopping. I think we can get everything we need for their on-line store with the Addons and such. I'm concerned about the attributes. I see the Attributed Checkbox addon but that looks like and either/or selector between two options. Is there an Attribute addon that will allow us to create a dropdown box? If we want to select a size from five different sizes, how would we do that? Or color from 8 different options?

I hope this is available.

Joomla: 2.5.9
JoomShopping: 3.14.2
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12.04.2013 07:47
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Name: Admin
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Aw: Addon Attributes with Dropdown Selection Box

It free.
use attribute.


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