multi Shops

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03.12.2022 19:39
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: lars
Posts: 25
Aw: multi Shops

I see Thank you

Can you explain to me what needs to be on the subdomain?

Joomla main installation with joomshopping on main domain - linked at hoster folder.

What does the subdomain need to be linked to??? Same folder or other folder and what must be done then?

03.12.2022 19:46
(Support Team)
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Name: Admin
Posts: 25979
Aw: multi Shops

subdomain need to be linked to Same folder

03.12.2022 21:44
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: lars
Posts: 25
Aw: multi Shops

I have now created and connected 1 subdomain per store. As soon as more than one store is there, all orders are in the overview under DEFAULT with one store the correct store is in the overview. But also only then. Please set me this so that I can track this and can set up more stores.


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