Notify availability Bug modal-backdrop for 2 times

27.07.2022 17:16
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Manfred
Posts: 706
Notify availability Bug modal-backdrop for 2 times

If close the lightbox-window not with "x" but somehow clicks into the screen, the background still overlaid with transparent background. The problem is that the modal generated by Joomshoping creates 2 modal-backdrop for that reason is that clicking on the space outside the modal only removes 1 and the other remains.

Joomshoping should create only one modal-backdrop, not 2. Can you change it please? I´ll send you test-link in PM.

30.07.2022 10:50
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25965
Aw: Notify availability Bug modal-backdrop for 2 times

New version
Notify availability 2.4.6 (Joomshopping 5.0.0 +)

30.07.2022 12:02
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Manfred
Posts: 706
Aw: Notify availability Bug modal-backdrop for 2 times

Now it´s 100% ok, thx


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