"Quick view product images in the product list addon" - displays images incorrectly!

22.08.2019 02:49
User kupaladen
Name: Denis Fedorov
Posts: 64
"Quick view product images in the product list addon" - displays images incorrectly!

The addon incorrectly displays the main image of the products, and order of immages.
Addon is OFF:
"Quick view product images in the product list addon" - displays images incorrectly!

Addon is ON:
"Quick view product images in the product list addon" - displays images incorrectly!
"Quick view product images in the product list addon" - displays images incorrectly!

And please, add the finger scrolling for immages for mobile view:
I purchased the plugin, but there is no finger sliding in the mobile version...
There, are the same arrows that are completely impossible to use, because to call them, you first need to click with your finger somewhere near(!) the image - only after that they are appear. But all the clients I tested try to move the image with a finger, or click on it and immediately go into the product card.
This is very annoying ...
Try it yourself: http://fitnessdesign.ru/gasp/tanks

Please add normal finger scrolling for the mobile version!


Joomla: last
JoomShopping: last
PHP: 7.1
Website Url: fitnessdesign.ru

Last change: 22.08.2019 02:50
24.08.2019 17:19
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26449
Aw: "Quick view product images in the product list addon" - displays images incorrectly!

1. Quick view product images in the product list 1.0.7
fixed image sorting.

29.08.2019 23:15
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26449
Aw: "Quick view product images in the product list addon" - displays images incorrectly!

Quick view product images in the product list 1.0.8
finger scrolling for immages for mobile view

Last change: 29.08.2019 23:16

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