Payment description bill in email

09.06.2017 07:15
User thomasbaumi
Name: Thomas Baumgartner
Сообщения: 139
Payment description bill in email

Hello Webdesigner

I have purchased the plugin "payment description bill in email", installed and tested. I still notice a mistake.
In the email, which the customer receives, then the information provided by me is also the text entered by me. I would like that too.

But unfortunately the text appears twice in the PDF of the invoice.
I have summarized this in an appendix.

Then another question, would it be possible that this text can also be formatted with HTML?

Greetings Thomas

Joomla: 3.7.2
JoomShopping: 4.16.2

Последнее изменение: 09.06.2017 07:16
09.06.2017 08:09
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 25952
Aw: Payment description bill in email

fixed in Payment description bill in email 1.0.1


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