Critical Shipping-Bug!!!

09.05.2015 15:45
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Wladimir Streck
Сообщения: 19
Critical Shipping-Bug!!!


I found a very critical shipping-bug!
We tested it on 12 different Joomshopping-Shops and it's the same everywhere:

I put something with the weight of 0.5kg (~1 lb) into my Basket. Then i proceed to Step 5 of the order. So the final step before accepting the TOS and clicking "BUY". I open a new Tab in Firefox and put something else with p.a. 40kg (~80 lb) into my basket.

Then i return to the tab where my order is at Step 5 already. I press F5 (refresh browser without clearing cache) and the new article with 40kg appears. All prices and tax were recalculated but NOT the shipping!

What to do??

10.05.2015 09:12
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 25944
Aw: Critical Shipping-Bug!!!

Will be fixed in new version

Controller / cart / add

Add code

$checkout = JSFactory::getModel('checkout', 'jshop');

22.07.2015 13:43
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Wladimir Streck
Сообщения: 19
Aw: Critical Shipping-Bug!!!

thanks, i just waited for the new verion and it's fixed now.


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