Explain the role of these extensions

14.09.2022 15:24
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Jory
Posts: 49
Explain the role of these extensions

Installed 2 extensions

1. addon_attributes_policy_2.0.7 As on the website in the picture, I don't have it displayed anywhere, no link is added to the order letter, I can't understand its role.

2. addon_extra_checkbox_2.3.3 At the first step of the order, an inscription "Some text in front-end" and a selection are added at the bottom, but when I select a tick, then at the last step an additional text should appear at the bottom under the text field, but for some reason it does not appear.

Joomla: 4.2.2
JoomShopping: 5.0.7
PHP: 8.1
MySQL: 8.0
14.09.2022 20:51
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25946
Aw: Explain the role of these extensions

1. Return policy for attributes:
Need only your use many return policy
Configuration / Static text (Create many content + Return policy)

Updated screenshots:
Screenshot 1 - Return policy for attributes
Screenshot 2 - default Return policy (works without addon)

Return policy for attributes 2.0.8 (JoomShopping 5.0.0+)
php 8 warning fixed.

2. For enable "TEXT" Step 5 (last step)

Consent to forward the e-mail address to the logistician: Show

Last change: 14.09.2022 21:19
15.09.2022 08:24
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Jory
Posts: 49
Aw: Explain the role of these extensions

admin - 14.09.2022 20:51
1. Return policy for attributes:
Need only your use many return policy
Configuration / Static text (Create many content + Return policy)

Updated screenshots:
Screenshot 1 - Return policy for attributes
Screenshot 2 - default Return policy (works without addon)

Return policy for attributes 2.0.8 (JoomShopping 5.0.0+)
php 8 warning fixed.

2. For enable "TEXT" Step 5 (last step)

Consent to forward the e-mail address to the logistician: Show

There are no more warnings, but I don't understand why I don't have the same values and fields as in the screenshot.
Aw: Explain the role of these extensions

15.09.2022 09:41
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25946
Aw: Explain the role of these extensions

Configuration / checkout
Return policy for product

15.09.2022 10:48
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Jory
Posts: 49
Aw: Explain the role of these extensions

admin - 15.09.2022 09:41
Configuration / checkout
Return policy for product

Thanks a lot, now I understand


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