Cancellations with PayPal payment

23.11.2021 14:24
kreativ quadrat
User kreativ quadrat
Name: garry
Posts: 325
Cancellations with PayPal Express payment

use paypal express v2.2.4

after several attempts with PayPal Merchant Technical support, which mean it is a problem from our PayPal Express interface.

the problem is that it happens again and again that the cancel link is called, although the payment on paypal was successful.
with same token
2021-11-09 19:37:58 url: /kasse/step7?act=cancel&js_paymentclass=pm_paypal_express&token=EC-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

that can be shortly after payment or minutes later?
what could it be?

answere from paypal:
48 seconds is too little time for a buyer to hit your Payment Wall again, select another method, come back to us and under the same token. Usually shops would create a new SetEC for any forwarding of a buyer to PayPal to avoid expired token (they are active for about 3h tops.).

Your log now gave you 2 uses of the cancel URL

2021-11-09 19:37:58 url: /kasse/step7?act=cancel&js_paymentclass=pm_paypal_express&token=EC-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2021-11-09 19:37:58 url: /kasse/step7?act=cancel&js_paymentclass=pm_paypal_express&token=EC-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Which means that after the transaction was completed, your shop recorded a usage of those token.
Which means the question that you have to ask is, why did you sent the buyer to PayPal to be even able to use those cancel URLs after the transaction was completed?
Step 7 means the transaction is done and finished. The buyer has no reason to be brought back to PayPal, they should be looking at your payment confirmation page and then close the tab, move to another side or do another checkout.

could you clear the token after successfull payment? or what could it be?

Last change: 23.11.2021 14:27
23.11.2021 20:28
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25961
Aw: Cancellations with PayPal payment

Send me log (payment, paymntdata).

Problem for all client or only 1?

23.11.2021 23:32
kreativ quadrat
User kreativ quadrat
Name: garry
Posts: 325
Aw: Cancellations with PayPal payment

problem is sometimes with different clients
logs pn from example
and we have many more

Last change: 23.11.2021 23:42
27.11.2021 12:22
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25961
Aw: Cancellations with PayPal payment

I don't see a problem in our code.
paypal send to website - order cancel.

Perhaps the client clicks return in the browser or f5.

Paypal Express 2.2.5
Added to log referer url.

install 2.2.5 - and send me new log.

Last change: 27.11.2021 12:28
30.11.2021 13:16
kreativ quadrat
User kreativ quadrat
Name: garry
Posts: 325
Aw: Cancellations with PayPal payment

answere from Paypal

Thank you for contacting PayPal Merchant Technical Support.

Thats the thing, either the user hits that link or it was passed as return URL in case of a success by you.
Thats just how the API works.
Cancel URL is the return if the buyer uses it, and return if it was an approved transaction.
The only way I see this happening is if the return URL of yours, leads the buyer to your system and forwards them back to us which is when the buyer hits the cancel URL of course as he already approved the payment and does not want a double transaction.
So to replicate it, you will have to undergo the checkout from a buyers point and see where your success page brings you to.

Last change: 30.11.2021 13:16
30.11.2021 16:00
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25961
Aw: Cancellations with PayPal payment

Return url -> go to success.
I think client clicks return in the browser.

Last change: 30.11.2021 16:00
30.11.2021 17:11
kreativ quadrat
User kreativ quadrat
Name: garry
Posts: 325
Aw: Cancellations with PayPal payment

could the cancellation be prevented after a successful payment by deleting the token?

30.11.2021 20:46
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25961
Aw: Cancellations with PayPal payment

Paypal Express 2.2.6

19.12.2021 10:36
kreativ quadrat
User kreativ quadrat
Name: garry
Posts: 325
Aw: Cancellations with PayPal payment

works until today......again same problem
send you full log as pn


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