qpay update?

13.01.2021 14:37
kreativ quadrat
User kreativ quadrat
Name: garry
Posts: 325
qpay update?

Dear customer,

Please read this mail carefully, it contains important information for your QENTA implementation!

Due to the upcoming separation of the systems of "QENTA Payments GmbH" (formerly. Wirecard CEE) from the former "Wirecard" (WDT), it is absolutely necessary that you switch the endpoints you are currently using to an endpoint of "QENTA Payments GmbH".
Currently you initialize to one of the following endpoints for the QPAY product Currently initialize to one of the following endpoints for the QPAY (Checkout Page) or QMORE (Checkout Seamless) product:


In order to keep the initializations working, please have switched to the following endpoint by 1/22/2021:

api.qenta.com (Please change only the first part of the URL. Everything after .com/ stays the same! Example: https://api.qenta.com/page/init.php or https://api.qenta.com/seamless/frontend/init.php)

However, if you are using a (former Wirecard or current QENTA) shop plugin, no further interaction is necessary!
You can find more information about the changeover under the following link: https://guides.qenta.com/upcoming_changes_jan2021


What behavior will occur for transactions if a changeover has not happened by 1/22/2021?

Any initialization of a transaction after 1/22/2021 may be acknowledged with an error, as the above endpoints (kept in red) will no longer be available.

Can the new endpoint already be used?

Yes, the new endpoint api.qenta.com is already useable.

Are further changes necessary?

No, further changes are not necessary.

If you have any questions regarding the changeover, please contact us at support@qenta.com or at +43 316 813681 1800. (There may be waiting times on the phone due to higher customer traffic).

Please forward this mail to your technical integrator.

16.01.2021 09:44
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25962
Aw: qpay update?

https://doc.wirecard.com/RestApi.html (No information - need update)

https://api.wirecard.com/engine/rest/payments - works

https://api.qenta.com/engine/rest/payments - NOT works

16.01.2021 09:48
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25962
Aw: qpay update?

Wirecard Qpay Credit Card 2.3.0 BETA

changed to


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