Accepting payments with paypal Credit Cards and shipping address

05.08.2011 15:14
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Dhrubaa Mukherjee
Posts: 3
Accepting payments with paypal Credit Cards and shipping address


I have been using joom shopping for some time and its amazing. I could configure it to my website with no problem (and I am not computer savvy at all and have no HTML or CSS knowledge). However my site is now set up and ready to launch. But I have a slight problem. When I buy a product it takes me to the check out page, i give in the credit card details and the billing information (in US). Then it takes me to a page where I can change the shipping address. But the shipping country is set to US and cannot be changed. I asked paypal and they say there is some communication error between my cart and paypal. Can any one help me with this?

Thanks a lot!

Joomla: 1.6
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05.08.2011 20:18
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Aw: Accepting payments with paypal Credit Cards and shipping address

use add cart (joomshopping)

delete add cart (paypal)


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