Free shipping should be applied to the "total" order value by default!

16.11.2020 20:47
User kupaladen
Name: Denis Fedorov
Posts: 64
Free shipping should be applied to the "total" order value by default!

Hello dear developers!
Currently, "free shipping" applies to the "subtotal" order value and does not include the coupon discount.

Free shipping should be applied to the "total" order value by default!
Free shipping should be applied to the "total" order value by default!
It seems to be wrong for most users.

Please make the $config->free_shipping_calc_from_total_and_discount = 1; by default or add a hint to the "info"
It's hard to find this information in default_config.php for beginners, and many of us forget to change it after every update...

With love and respect!

Letzte Änderung: 16.11.2020 20:52

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