zu doof für Paypal?

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20.02.2018 13:31
User landwehr-3d
Name: Manuel
Posts: 21
Aw: zu doof für Paypal?

hello webmaster,
In the meantime, I have purchased and installed the module Paypal API.

Unfortunately, I can not enter the license key anywhere. in the configuration is nothing to register.

But unfortunately there is no useful manual (the illustrated instructions on your homepage is ancient) to integrate this module.

I already wrote an e-mail, but I still did not get an answer 2 days later ....
The program itself is really great, the support, however, a bit sluggish.

I ask for help

Aw: zu doof für Paypal?
Aw: zu doof für Paypal?

20.02.2018 13:44
User FrankG.
Name: Frank
Posts: 1600
Aw: zu doof für Paypal?

der Key vom Addon -> Komponenten -> JoomShopping -> Optionen -> Addons -> Addon auswählen und Key eingeben...

20.02.2018 13:45
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25965
Aw: zu doof für Paypal?

1. See your order email (or https://www.webdesigner-profi.de/joomla-webdesign/shop/user/orders.html)
download key file (Copy key from file)
2. Joomshopping / Options / Addons / paypal API set key


my previous test (your Paipal works)

Last change: 20.02.2018 13:48
20.02.2018 13:51
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25965
Aw: zu doof für Paypal?

I already wrote an e-mail, but I still did not get an answer 2 days later ....
The program itself is really great, the support, however, a bit sluggish.

Support only on the forum

20.02.2018 14:48
User landwehr-3d
Name: Manuel
Posts: 21
Aw: zu doof für Paypal?

FrankG. - 20.02.2018 13:44
der Key vom Addon -> Komponenten -> JoomShopping -> Optionen -> Addons -> Addon auswählen und Key eingeben...

boah wie blöd muss man eigentlich sein.....
12 Lichtjahre habe ich gesucht und nichts, aber auch gar nichts habe ich gefunden.....
aber auf die Idee bei Addons zu schauen bin ich nciht gekommen....

vielen, vielen Dank.
Es klappt ;)

20.02.2018 14:54
User landwehr-3d
Name: Manuel
Posts: 21
Aw: zu doof für Paypal?

webdesigner - 20.02.2018 13:45
1. See your order email (or https://www.webdesigner-profi.de/joomla-webdesign/shop/user/orders.html)
download key file (Copy key from file)
2. Joomshopping / Options / Addons / paypal API set key

Many Thanks

I had found the key, just not where I can enter it;)

webdesigner - 20.02.2018 13:45
my previous test (your Paipal works)

Yes my Paypal payment is going because I have opened a new account which I do not want to use (you can only link a bank account with Paypal)
But if I now enter my correct Paypal address, then the Paypal payment does not work. This is apparently due to my old Paypal account (over 11 years old)

I'm testing tonight if the API works and I hope I'm happy;)

The support is only about the forum I was also not aware, sorry

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