Limit areas to sell or ship

03.01.2018 10:36
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Pedro
Сообщения: 1
Limit areas to sell or ship


We are testing Joomshoping as a possible extension for Joomla for our online store, but we would need to check first if with Joomshoping we will be able to limit the areas within a country where we can sell or ship our products.

I mean we are in Spain, but we have no license to sell our products in the whole country, but only to a certain set of states.

Is there any way to limit the states of a country where you would like to sell or ship?

I took a look to the extension "Calculate for price/postal code", but not sure if with this module I will be able to do it.

Thanks a lot

Joomla: 3.6.2
JoomShopping: 4.14.3
PHP: 7
MySQL: 5.5
Website Url: onsite dev demo
03.01.2018 13:25
(Support Team)
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Name: Admin
Сообщения: 25965
Aw: Limit areas to sell or ship


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