Aw: export product to yahoo shopping help need
dear vova
thanks for you reply
i get some information about yahoo shopping about the csv file but not all of my anwser
so here by i try to explain for you
first i found that 6 of these csv part are must and needto be there and remaining are option
the must part are: path,name,code,price,saleprice,product-category
for image link,,,in yahoo shopping image must be upload via image uploader and after uploading csv file try to relate the same image number with the same product number ,,so image link is no need in csv file
manufacturer name must be an option and i did not use that because of my product speciality and i can not see that in my csv sample file so i belive without that the csv must work properly
one most difficult problem in connection fields of joomshopping is that in yahoo shopping the same field have character limit ,,for example,,Headline which we can say it must be explanation ,,in yahoo have 30 character limit ,while i have used more character in my site ,,so if we connect headline to explanation ,probably it will get error because of character limits,,,
here are my suggestion for joomshopping fields and i think for not connection filed it is better to put the same as yahoo shopping and for some part i have to put data by hand to fulfill the yahoo limitation
MUST filed:
path : categories
name: title
code: product code
original price : old price
price: price
product-category : not have joomshopping some 4 digit prepare by yahoo which must fill by hand
option filed
option : product characteristric ( not sure)
headline:not in joomshjopping
caption: short description
abstract: not in joomshopping
explanation: description
additional:2:3 : feree space for product explanation : not in joomshopping
relevant link: related product
shipweight :weight
taxable: some figure between 1 and 0 not in joomshopping and in yahoo all are 1
release date: date
temporary-point term : not in joomshopping
point code : yahoo shopping point ( not in joomshopping)
meta key: meta kewords
meta desc: meta description
template: not in joomshopping special template used by yahoo ( fill by hand )
sale period start: not in joomshopping
sale period end ,,
sale-limit ,,
sp-code ,,
brand-code ,,
dera vova this is all could understand by comparing yahoo csv and joomshopping
i hope you can fine some image to get done this job
if you need more explanation in detail let me know then i will ask from yahoo directly
even though i am not good in this filed but i think to have all aspect of yahoo shopping in csv must
give me the opportunity to fill some data by hand if it is in need actually
with thanks
best regards
ariya gallery