Unique ID as auto increment and EAN in real world with import\export

13.02.2013 19:22
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Alexey
Posts: 2
Unique ID as auto increment and EAN in real world with import\export

Dear Klaus Huber and team. I know you stay place to payment for more powerfull import modules.
But it is good to do enough minimum real import\export.
Here is some ideas from real world experience.
Let me show you simple and needed ideas ans ex-programmer and now marketing chief.
1. Unique Id it is good to mothods and site. But it is all.
2. Unique EAN as identifier of any product in the assortment is needed as air.
3. Logic of import with check box UPDATE.
a) if no EAN present - add product
b) if EAN present - update if update possible (checkbox or other way you prefer)
c) if no EAN - unpublish but add (or dont add but show report as you prefer)
d) if new Category - unpublish but add category
e) if no Category - unpublish but add category (or dont add but show report as you prefer)
It is possible to do Categoru different module with A-C the same logic model.
You have your point of view and ideas.
But take a moment to understant business logic. It not programming logiс only.
Needed minimal fucntions are here. To do working business processes in real world.

Pleas answer your menotion and ideas to understand future of this perspective product.
With best wishes,
Alexey Ryzhkov

Joomla: 2.5
JoomShopping: 3.12.3
PHP: 5.2.x
MySQL: 5.5.16
Website Url: in development
13.02.2013 20:32
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Aw: Unique ID as auto increment and EAN in real world with import\export


Update product for EAN or ID or Name
Delete old products


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