How to get SEO URLs from CLI?

11.10.2017 18:05
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: John
Posts: 3
How to get SEO URLs from CLI?

I'm trying to make automatic product export and I need to get pretty urls. I could do it in 4.1.0 with SEFLink() and some other fuckery, but now SEFLink() throws "Application Instantiation Error" if called from CLI. What can I do other than rewrite the SEFLink() completely?

Joomla: 3.8.1
JoomShopping: 4.16.3
PHP: 5.6
11.10.2017 19:53
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 27007
Aw: How to get SEO URLs from CLI?

code example?

11.10.2017 20:16
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: John
Posts: 3
Aw: How to get SEO URLs from CLI?

webdesigner - 11.10.2017 19:53
code example?

I think you asked the same thing in my stackoverflow thread.

There isn't much code. I just copy a Joomla cron(cli/update_cron.php) add joomshopping defines/requires and replace the code in doExecute with a call to SEFLink(). Then I call it from the command prompt(the command being "php cli/test.php" or put it in a scheduler to run automatically on a server). The issue is running the function from the command prompt, because I don't think JShop accounts for Joomla using different applications for CLI and the site.

Here's the code. It crashes on the SEFLink call when executed the way I mentioned earlier.

Last change: 11.10.2017 20:18
11.10.2017 20:44
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 27007
Aw: How to get SEO URLs from CLI?

Need create new function.

11.10.2017 20:58
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: John
Posts: 3
Aw: How to get SEO URLs from CLI?

webdesigner - 11.10.2017 20:44
Need create new function.

Unfortunate, oh well. Thanks.


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