i tried to export only the articel of one vendor of eleven vendors i have all together.
It isnt working !
There are more then 40.000 articel with this vendor iam trying to export.
If i dont use by part-lines (180) it isnt working because of time-out.
I used export by part-lines and only the one vendor-name.
it allways exports the complete articel-list of all vendors.
If i try some other vendor with about 50 articel, with part-lines (180) and vendor name it works fine, but also if i try again another vendor with about 30.000 articel it isnt working right.
iam sure that it is the export by part-lines function, because i get a mistake in the downloaded file at line 182 with part-lines convigurated with 180 lines.
I tried a nother export with 250 lines and there is the mistake at line 252 !
If i use 30 lines i get a mistake at line 32
Please help, it is very importend to get that work finished.
Letzte Änderung: 09.03.2017 15:29