product detail tab - preselected tab is white

22.11.2014 22:17
User jumper2365
Name: jumper2365
Posts: 52
product detail tab - preselected tab is white

Dear webdesigner and JoomShopping community,

I use the detail tab for more than 1 year. Now I updated my joomla installation (in a local environment) to Joomla 3.3.6 and Joomshopping to 4.0.7. I also updated the product detail tab to 1.0.9.

After the update I observe, when entering a product, the preselected tab stays white. See picture.

When clicking on the white tab, the "normal" colour of the tab appears. When refreshing the page, the tab is again white. Editing the style.css didn't help.

Do you have a solution for me?

Kind regards

product detail tab - preselected tab is white

23.11.2014 17:42
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25946
Aw: product detail tab - preselected tab is white


24.11.2014 22:38
User jumper2365
Name: jumper2365
Posts: 52
Aw: product detail tab - preselected tab is white

Dear webdesigner,

thank you, for your quick answer.
As I mentioned, the error happens in a local test environment (joomla and joomshopping running in wamp). Therefore I can't send you an url. At the weekend I will perform joomla and joomshopping updates on the webserver. After updating I will send you an url.

Kind regards



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