Tax 0.00%

27.09.2015 11:55
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: ios
Posts: 1
Tax 0.00%

goodmorning to all, i have a problem with the setting of the tax, i would like to set a 0.00% tax and show it on the invoice, this because i selling outside of my country and i dont have to put tax on the purchase of my customer, but in the same time i have to show it on the invoice that there is 0.00% of tax, how i have to do? when i put 0.00% tax it will not show any voice of tax on the invoice.


Joomla: 3
JoomShopping: 4
28.09.2015 08:07
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25959
Aw: Tax 0.00%


if (!$jshopConfig->hide_tax){
foreach($order->order_tax_list as $percent=>$value){
$pdf->SetXY(20,$y + 10);
$pdf->Rect(20,$y + 10,170,5,'F');
$text = displayTotalCartTaxName($order->display_price);
if ($show_percent_tax) $text = $text." ".formattax($percent)."%";
$pdf->MultiCell(130,5,$text ,'1','R');
$pdf->SetXY(150,$y + 10);
$pdf->MultiCell(40,5,formatprice($value, $order->currency_code, 0, -1).$order->_pdf_ext_tax[$percent],'1','R');
$y = $y + 5;

change to

$pdf->SetXY(20,$y + 10);
$pdf->Rect(20,$y + 10,170,5,'F');
$text = displayTotalCartTaxName($order->display_price);
if ($show_percent_tax) $text = $text." ".formattax($percent)."%";
$pdf->MultiCell(130,5,$text ,'1','R');
$pdf->SetXY(150,$y + 10);
$pdf->MultiCell(40,5,formatprice($value, $order->currency_code, 0, -1).$order->_pdf_ext_tax[$percent],'1','R');
$y = $y + 5;


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