Attributes code

16.02.2024 13:57
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: john
Сообщения: 410
Attributes code

HI Joomshoping.

Many EAN no. are build up with attributes with a base produckt code.
Eg. SAAAA111
When the are interduces to an Attribute the Attribute is added.

I have a locker with 4 attributes it will look like this.
Lockers SAAAA111 + Attributes code
Body colours eg. White Ral. 9016 – code: AD see images 1
Door colours eg. Slate Grey Ral 7031 – code: AC
Lock option eg. hasp and staple lock – code: 1
Sloping top eg. YES or NO – code: Y
Product code (SKU) for the product with the added Attributes
SAAAA111ADAC1Y see images 2

Is that possible in Joomshopping, if not will that be considered as an improvement and incoropreade or is it a addon?
They also need to able to be imported via eg. Attributes Import

Kind regards

Joomla: 5.0.2
JoomShopping: 5.3.2
PHP: 8.3
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Последнее изменение: 16.02.2024 16:09

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