Related Products / (Same Category) Products from Same Manufacturer

26.10.2020 13:30
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Name
Posts: 7
Related Products / (Same Category) Products from Same Manufacturer


We'ld like to propose two new features for products:

Related Products

It's great, that we can manually add related products to a product.

Suggestion: Please let us sort them, e.g. alphabetically, or even manually in the backend.

Explanation: Now, related products are only displayed in the order they have been added to a product. So, when we want to display them in a ordered way, so customer friendly, , e.g. alphabetically, we have to already add them in that order. And every time we add a new related product we have to delete them all and add them again manually in an alphabetic (or what ever) order.

Products from same Manufacturer

Suggestion: Please add a "show products from same manufacturer" option in the way "related products" works for products (or better: also with the sorting options we suggested above). And please add the option to select product categories (and "display only same categories like the product itself") for this, so we can control if customers see an entire manufacturers product range or only those, that fit in the same category.

Explanation: If a customer wants to see other products of the same manufacturer, they can klick e.g. on the manufacturers logo, but then they are leaving the product page, and the customer experience is interrupted. With our suggestion customers can see the other products immediately, which is good for sales.

Thanks and looking forward to your feedback.

Last change: 26.10.2020 13:34

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