Can you "undo" a faulty addon installation?

20.05.2015 21:25
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 699
Can you "undo" a faulty addon installation?

Hi there,

after I installed the newest JS version (4.9.2) on the newest Joomla version (3.4.1) everything seemed to be alright. While I was fiddling around with the invoice design in "Shop Options", suddenly the "Preview"-button would lead into a blank page. So I stopped that for a while and concentrated on possible addons, such as "Attribute Independent Admin Type". Unfortunately I only realised after installation that this addon is only compatible with Joomla 2.5! I guess that's why I can't open ANY backend page of JS anymore, even though JS with its sub entries is at least still listed under "components". Once I choose ANY of the sub options, a blank page will be shown. After setting Joomla error reporting to "Maximum", the following error message seems to confirm my theorie:

Warning: require_once(/var/www/.................../components/com_jshopping/lang/addon_attr_admin_type/en-GB.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/.................../components/com_jshopping/lib/factory.php on line 261

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/.................../components/com_jshopping/lang/addon_attr_admin_type/en-GB.php' (include_path='.:/opt/php/5.4.38/share/pear') in /var/www/.................../components/com_jshopping/lib/factory.php on line 261

After that I even deinstalled JS altogether and reinstalled it afterwards, without any effect.

I know, I made a big mistake in the first place, sorry about that, but would you still be willing to advice me, what to do?

Thank you so much!

Last change: 21.05.2015 00:36
21.05.2015 07:34
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25967
Aw: Can you "undo" a faulty addon installation?

disable plugin attr_admin_type or similar

Last change: 21.05.2015 07:35
21.05.2015 22:03
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 699
Aw: Can you "undo" a faulty addon installation?

Thank you so much, webdesigner! Dopey me, I did search for "attr_admin", but under "modules" indstead of "plugins"...

Thanks again!

Last change: 21.05.2015 22:04

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