Cart API, how to add/remove product to/from cart from PHP code

21.11.2014 12:27
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: B
Posts: 1
Cart API, how to add/remove product to/from cart from PHP code


I'm developing a custom PHP file, which is included to a Joomla article Via PHPDirect. So, I want to manage cart from PHP code, how is it possible? From my PHP file I need to add 3 products to cart, and I remove 2 products. How can I get the cart's content?

Thanks in advance

Joomla: Joomla! 3.3.1
JoomShopping: 4.0.1
PHP: 5.3.29
07.12.2014 08:57
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: waheed
Posts: 2
Aw: Cart API, how to add/remove product to/from cart from PHP code

did you get any information about the Cart API. I am also wanted to modify the cart.

actually i am wanted to a gift product for buying every five products. can you or anyone please help me to out of this problem.

Joomla: 3.3.6
JoomShopping: 4.7.1
07.12.2014 12:02
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Aw: Cart API, how to add/remove product to/from cart from PHP code


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