Inventory/storage management

06.02.2014 08:06
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Jacob
Posts: 15
Inventory/storage management

Hi Joomshopping,

I have an internal webshop, where we handle sales of hardware such as computers, phones and misc.
What I am missing, is the possibility for joomshopping to handle my storage. So far, I have only found the option to handle the amount of each product I have in my storage, but not the serial number/IMEI number of each item.

Is there any way for joomshopping to handle the serial numbers of my items?
If joomshopping could pick the "oldest" item in my storage, it would be great.

Kind regards,

10.02.2014 08:16
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Jacob
Posts: 15
Aw: Inventory/storage management

There isn't any way for Joomshopping to handle my inventory?
And there isn't any plugin or addon that could help me manage my inventory?

Kind regards,

10.02.2014 22:02
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25954
Aw: Inventory/storage management

I do not understand how it should work.

03.03.2014 11:29
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Jacob
Posts: 15
Aw: Inventory/storage management

The way it should work, is when I add new items to my inventory, I type in the serial number (and or IMEI numbers if it's a phone) of each of the items - So instead of just updating the number of available items (of a specific item, let's say a black iPhone 5S 16GB), I add a specific item with a specific serial number and or IMEI number.

When a customer logs into my webshop, he/she then chooses a specific item, adds it to the cart and checks out. The "oldest" item is then checked out of the inventory, allowing me to keep track of witch serial numbers (IMEI numbers if it's a phone) that are sold to what customers, in what orders and when.

I hope this clarifies what I am looking for :)

Kind regards,

Last change: 03.03.2014 11:30

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