Update Product Code (Product ID) depending on attribute selection?

27.06.2013 14:27
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Anders Carlén
Posts: 2
Update Product Code (Product ID) depending on attribute selection?


I have a situation where we would need to update the product ID (the product code) dynamically depending on the attributes chosen. Is that possible somehow?

For example:

Basic product: 100 g SOAP BAR (Product code: SOAP100)
Attribute / (Scent:)
- Nardus (Product code: SOAP100NAR )
- Neem (Product code: SOAP100NEE )
- Lavendel (Product code: SOAP100LAV )

As the visitor selects the different attributes, the product code should change to reflect that.
Is this possible somehow? It would also work to just append a new portion to the product code from the attribute: i.e: every attribute has a field with Extend CODE.

30.06.2013 16:45
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25962
Aw: Update Product Code (Product ID) depending on attribute selection?

Use dependent attribute.


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