Unable to setup multiple Attributes with the same options

08.09.2012 02:27
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Russell Hummerick
Posts: 1
Unable to setup multiple Attributes with the same options

I am creating a store to sell bracelets and I want to have three attributes "Outer Color", "Inner Color", and "Stripe Color".

Each of these attributes will have the same color options.

I am able to make the attributes with there said options but when I try to add them to the product I am only able to add one of the attributes with their options. When I try to add the other attributes I gets a error message "Error add attribute".

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Joomla: 2.5.6
JoomShopping: 3.10.0
08.09.2012 08:29
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26449
Aw: Unable to setup multiple Attributes with the same options



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