Error in the shopping cart. Really rare

27.01.2015 21:35
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Isaac
Posts: 2
Error in the shopping cart. Really rare

Hi all, how're you?

Sorry, I have an very rare error with the shopping cart.

My joomla version is 2.5 last update
I've been disabled cache server and front, well, but the cart doen't work. Articles can be updated or deleted etc..
But... and this is the rare behavior, if I enable the "Joomla system debug", component and cart works fine!!

I can't find information about this and never I didn't see anything like this.

Someone with a little idea please?

Thanks so much!.

Joomla: 2.5.28
JoomShopping: 3.20.1
PHP: 5.3.28
MySQL: 5.5.33-cll-lve
Website Url:
28.01.2015 07:49
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26449
Aw: Error in the shopping cart. Really rare

Disable cache.
Plugin cache.

28.01.2015 08:44
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Isaac
Posts: 2
Aw: Error in the shopping cart. Really rare

Hi webdesigner,

thanks for the reply.

plugin cache, server cache and Joomla system cache is disabled, and in this conditions.. occurs the same behaviour.
Only the shop works fine If I enable debug system option :(.
I don't know wich can be the reason for this.

do you have another idea?

28.01.2015 20:15
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26449
Aw: Error in the shopping cart. Really rare

100% problem in cache.
See server configuration (cache).


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