Product title multiple lines

27.01.2015 13:48
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Ben
Posts: 1
Product title multiple lines

Hey guys,

So I recently noticed that if I add 3-4 words in a title for any products, it breaks it down to two lines and messes with the heights of the product boxes / container.

I cannot have this as it looks untidy and really messy, below is an image on what I'm talking about, if someone can help me that would be greatly appreciated!

As you can see! the product on the very right has a more detailed title so it breaks down to a new line and looks messy, is there any solutions out there?

Joomla: 3
JoomShopping: latest
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27.01.2015 20:16
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25955
Aw: Product title multiple lines

Css style.
Template change.
Not joomshopping problem.


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