How to change the layout of the checkout process?

22.11.2014 22:28
User jumper2365
Name: jumper2365
Posts: 52
How to change the layout of the checkout process?

Dear webdesigner and Joomshopping community,

after updating Joomla (3.3.6) and Joomshopping (4.0.7) in an local test environment, layout of the checkout looks really different and not really nice. See picture.

Can you please tell me, where I can adjust the layout?

Kind regards

How to change the layout of the checkout process?

23.11.2014 17:27
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25955
Aw: How to change the layout of the checkout process?

Change template and CSS

Last change: 23.11.2014 17:28
24.11.2014 23:27
User jumper2365
Name: jumper2365
Posts: 52
Aw: How to change the layout of the checkout process?

Dear webdesigner,

I compared the the css file from my old shop and the css file from the updated shop (located under components\com_jshopping\css\default.css). There are only minor differences, not explaining the big heigt of the inputboxes.

Can you tell me, where I can set the value for the height of the inputboxes, the color of the buttons, and the orientation of the description of the inputboxes?

Kind regards


25.11.2014 22:05
User jumper2365
Name: jumper2365
Posts: 52
Aw: How to change the layout of the checkout process?

Can really nobody can give me a hint? I tried to edit the css of JoomShopping, but I only found the option to make the input box wider. I want to reduce the height and can't find the setting for that. I also tried to edit the css of the Joomla template, but I can't find the option for the height of the input box.
Then I tried to create an override in the html-folder of the template, but this also doesn't work. Please give me a hint.

Kind regards



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