Filters question

26.02.2014 00:25
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Jeff
Posts: 13
Filters question

Ok so I don't quite understand the filters, so I figured i would just ask if this were possible.

I am setting up a store for a friend that sells tires and rims for cars. He wants to be able to list:

wheel size
Bolt pattern

Now, I know he can just make a category for wheel size, thats no problem. But can you make it so the wheels get filtered by bolt pattern? ie 5x 112?

So for each rime, we'd like to have 112 as an option. Then the visitor could click 112 as a bolt pattern, and it would only show wheels with that pattern. Is that possible?

Thanks !

26.02.2014 08:17
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25962
Aw: Filters question

Try use charactiristic.


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