Show Netto amount in the shopping cart

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04.03.2012 14:28
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: outrage
Сообщения: 14
Aw: Show Netto amount in the shopping cart

Apparently also too hard to quickfix for the mod. Maybe this requires the component to completely be rewritten!

13.11.2013 08:34
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Karol
Сообщения: 2
Aw: Show Netto amount in the shopping cart

Hello, any news with this? It is required by law to have on invoice netto on one line, tax on separate line, shipping, grand total on separate lines. I can not achieve this, is there any way?
Also keep shop to show prices with tax - as it is now (i.e. 5,00 EUR incl.VAT 20%).

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