In the Cart - Plus and Minus field for Articles

03.02.2013 21:06
User Toner-Werk
Name: Boris Kyas
Сообщения: 59
In the Cart - Plus and Minus field for Products

Hello, it´s possible to have a plus and minus field in the Cart

Or a field where i can change the value like it is in the productlist and default_product

And where you see in the pic where are the red crosses , it woud be nice to have a delete button for the article.

thanx a lot

In the Cart - Plus and Minus field for Products

Joomla: 2.58
JoomShopping: 3.12.2
Website Url:

Последнее изменение: 03.02.2013 21:08
03.02.2013 21:14
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 25946
Aw: In the Cart - Plus and Minus field for Articles

Not possible


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