Saving address data after reload if user forgets one oh the required fields

15.02.2012 01:23
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Pawel
Posts: 2
Saving address data after reload if user forgets one of the required fields

I guess this is more of a usability-friendly kind of question:
(and please excuse me for being totally blunt — i'm not a programmer)
we're beta testing our new website and want to include your shopping cart in it
and i ran into a following problem:
we want to allow users to purchase without registration
and all fields in the billing adress except "State/Bundesland" are required
when user "forgets" to fill out one of the required fields and presses "Continue/Weiter"
he/she is returned to totally empty form again
(this applies for both cases with billing or billing+different shipping address)

Is there a way to save the already entered user details in such a case???

Joomla: 2.5.1 Stable [ Ember ] 2-Feb-2012
JoomShopping: 3.2.7
PHP: 5.2.13
MySQL: 5.1.39

Letzte Änderung: 15.02.2012 01:24
15.02.2012 08:05
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25955
Aw: Saving address data after reload if user forgets one oh the required fields

You have an error in javascript.


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