shopping cart module and inserting "add to cart" for specific product?

06.12.2011 10:11
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: boegmunken
Posts: 1
shopping cart module and inserting "add to cart" for specific product?

I am evaluating a couple of shopping cart solutions for Joomla.

I am wondering if there is a module I can use for displaying the shopping cart?

I am also wondering if there is a way to insert a product into an article?
For instance, there are some Joomla plugins that let you insert galleries or similar into articles by using code like this: {gallerycode id=2}
Is there such code for Joomshopping?

Joomla: 1.5
JoomShopping: latest
06.12.2011 21:15
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Aw: shopping cart module and inserting "add to cart" for specific product?



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