Problem addon ajaxCart with wishlist

21.08.2020 17:06
User Diolegend
Name: William
Сообщения: 104
Problem addon ajaxCart with wishlist

Hello Admin,

In this period, I am focusing on the wishlist, I discovered a little problem with add-in wishlist button in product detail page

<input type="submit" class="btn-wishlist btn button" value="Aggiungi alla lista dei desideri" onclick="jQuery('#to').val('wishlist');">

When I click this button, it will appear added to cart, even the button is value "Go to cart" and it goes to cart with the correct link...

Problem addon ajaxCart with wishlist

I tried to re-install the addon with default script, CSS, the template of the message. Can you try to install ajax cart, Wishlist Ajax together and see if it is the addon problem or our website problem.

Addon version that i installed: addon_joomshoping_cartajax_3.8.9 (1).zip

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21.08.2020 18:52
User Diolegend
Name: William
Сообщения: 104
Aw: Problem addon ajaxCart with wishlist

Thanks admin, it is fixed, it was an old external joomshopping plugin that I didn't update.

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