extra_fields in module - how to ?

29.12.2019 17:30
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: imanagerseo0
Сообщения: 11
extra_fields in module - how to ?

how to display extra_fields in module ? this code not work

<?php echo $item->product_link ?>

$cfvalues = JSFactory::getAllProductExtraFieldValueDetail();
<ul class="unstyled extra_fields">
<?php foreach($extraf as $extra_field){?>
<span class="text-left extra_fields_name"><?php echo $extra_field['name'];?>:</span>
<div class="text-right extra_fields_value">&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo $extra_field['value']; ?></div>
<?php }?>

Joomla: 3.9.14
JoomShopping: 4.18.4
PHP: 7
MySQL: 7

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