Products deleted?

01.02.2017 19:11
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Mr.
Posts: 21
Products deleted?

My new website is for a local store, they will have over 10,000 items and using JoomShopping.
My question is, once products are sold on their site do they have to manually remove the images and thumbnails from where they are saved in the file system?

Their concern is having product images that are sold filling up their hosting space.
I understand there is an option in the backend to hide photos and products if they are not available - this is not nearly the same thing.
Can anyone clarify this for me?
Thank you.

Joomla: 3.6.5
01.02.2017 21:45
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25955
Aw: Products deleted?

After delete product - file / images deleted from server.
(no possible delete product from front.)


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