adding static text to a field

27.03.2014 00:00
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: luigi
Posts: 12
adding static text to a field

Hi,how can i put some static text to explain lines of name or address or country or some additional field,i 'am not so good with php,see image to understand my needs (SEE THE RED TEXT THAT I WANT TO ADD)

i Thank you in advance

Last change: 24.10.2016 16:39
27.03.2014 15:09
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: luigi
Posts: 12
Aw: adding static text to a field

luidd - 27.03.2014 00:00
Hi,how can i put some static text to explain lines of name or address or country or some additional field,i 'am not so good with php,see image to understand my needs (SEE THE RED TEXT THAT I WANT TO ADD)

i Thank you in advance

anyone can help me please i need just a clue

Last change: 24.10.2016 16:39
27.03.2014 16:55
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25946
Aw: adding static text to a field


Change row

$pdf->MultiCell(80,4.5,$order->firma_name."\n".$order->f_name." ".$order->l_name." ".$order->m_name."\n".$order->street." ".$order->home." ".$order->apartment."\n".$order->zip." ".$order->city."\n".$order->country, 0,'L');


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