Partner Discount

21.06.2013 11:50
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: elena
Posts: 51
Partner Discount

i wrote you for a few days, but there is no answer. So i write it again:
i create a new type of customer with % discount. Discount should be calculated from clean prise, price without tax.

If the brutto price will be € 100,--(including 19% tax) you have a net amount from € 84,-- and € 16,-- tax for the goverment. 50% from € 84,-- is € 42,-- and from this amount the 19% tax will be € 8,--
If the price is € 119,--( it means that it is the „brutto“ amount, inkluding the tax of 19%) than you will have a net amount of € 50,--; In this case 50% Rabatt of € 50,-- will be € 50,-- and the tax oft hat will be € 9,50

Do you notice the difference in this 2 examples?
A Rabatt is always to subtract BEVORE to calculate the tax.
By the way: A Sconto ist always to calculate AFTER the tax (from the brutto amount)

21.06.2013 16:44
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25955
Aw: Partner Discount

Configuration / general
Displaying prices in the front end: netto

27.06.2013 09:04
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: elena
Posts: 51
Aw: Partner Discount

Than it changes not only for one group of user, but for all. i need that user group "partner" get a discount. and this discount should be from price without taxes. Tax will addit after discount.

27.06.2013 10:08
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: elena
Posts: 51
Aw: Partner Discount


i changed in Configuration/General "Ereitere Einstellungen" and defined netto prise for "Firmen".. and NOW IT WORKS :)))

Thank youuuu

28.06.2013 17:58
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: elena
Posts: 51
Aw: Partner Discount

i am very sorry, but this funktion dont works rightly:

Configuration/General "Ereitere Einstellungen" and defined netto prise for "Firmen"..

now all groups of user see netto price

What could i do?

30.06.2013 17:00
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25955
Aw: Partner Discount

Config / general

Extended config.

30.06.2013 19:35
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: elena
Posts: 51
Aw: Partner Discount

as i already wrote i made a changes in extended configuration and there is a few mistakes:

1. if i choose "show prise - BRUTTO" and "show prise for Company-NETTO" the discount rate for this group is deducted from brutto prise (as i already wrote it is not correct)

2. if i choose "show prise - NETTO" and "show prise for Company-NETTO" the discount is deducted from Netto prise (as i like), BUT ALL type of users see NETTO prises.

is there any solving for this problem?


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