Registration with built in profile system

24.03.2013 16:53
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: moparlakci
Posts: 1
Registration with built in profile system

Hi, I am using joomla 3.0 and I already have a lot of users in the Users manager and they are already filled in their profile, like address, phone etc

but when they want to buy a product via this component

they have to insert their address again

is there a fix ?


Joomla: 3.0
JoomShopping: 4.2.0
04.04.2013 06:44
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Ruby
Posts: 5
Aw: Registration with built in profile system

I am having the same problem. I have tried everything. But no matter what I do, it still requires to enter their name and other info. Since everything I have is downloadable and not snail mailed, there would be no reason for them to have to change their address.

Joomla: 3.3
04.04.2013 07:44
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25961
Aw: Registration with built in profile system

Use joomshopping registration.(Not joomla registration)

07.04.2013 06:31
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Ruby
Posts: 5
Aw: Registration with built in profile system

ok, I changed to the joomshopping registration and now when the new customers register, they are directed to the joomshopping login page instead of the "Thank You for Registering. Please check your email for validation."

Any suggestions?


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