Product name and quantity not displayed in e-mail

29.10.2012 20:38
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Vadim
Сообщения: 2
Product name and quantity not displayed in e-mail

Ordering is as it should be, but after it in the back-end displayed not full information - name of product, product code, and quantity are missing. The same situation is in the e-mails.
Product name and quantity not displayed in e-mail

29.10.2012 22:05
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Сообщения: 25946
Aw: Product name and quantity not displayed in e-mail

Problem in update.

Enable debug mode. See errors.

30.10.2012 07:37
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Vadim
Сообщения: 2
Aw: Product name and quantity not displayed in e-mail

I activated debug mode and error appears:
500 - JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1054 - Unknown column 'extra_fields' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `joc_jshopping_order_item` (`order_id`,`product_id`,`product_ean`,`product_name`,`product_quantity`,`product_item_price`,`product_tax`,`product_attributes`,`files`,`weight`,`thumb_image`,`vendor_id`,`product_freeattributes`,`attributes`,`freeattributes`,`delivery_times_id`,`extra_fields`) VALUES ('29','2184','','LOCONET/ЛОКОНЕТ','1','1200','19.00','','a:0:{}','0.0000','thumb_e5d26cd818a7677d946a9c43.jpg','1','','a:0:{}','a:0:{}','0','')

So, I added in table joc_jshopping_order_item field extra_fields:
alter table joc_jshopping_order_item add `extra_fields` DECIMAL(12,4) NOT NULL;

And problem disappeared, everything seems work fine.


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