2 versions of 1 article?

01.02.2012 15:01
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: godyn
Posts: 12
2 versions of 1 article?

We're offering books and they come in 3 versions, how can I set it up in 1 product?:

- basic: normal price
- signed: higher price
- ebook for download: order via external link (I can put this link in the text)

How do I add the "signed" price to a product? Or do I need to create multiple versions of my books? (better not)

Last change: 01.02.2012 15:02
01.02.2012 15:18
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25961
Aw: 2 versions of 1 article?

use attribute for
- basic: normal price
- signed: higher price

Problem (ebook for download)

"file for sale" not support in attribute

"file for sale" for product

01.02.2012 15:33
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: godyn
Posts: 12
Aw: 2 versions of 1 article?

Thx, I added the link to the text, works fine.

02.02.2012 10:10
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: godyn
Posts: 12
Aw: 2 versions of 1 article?

Other Questions:

- The shipping should be 11€ per book, how can I add this extra amount to each item (automaticly)?

- Problem with paypal: my shop owner (client) wants to receive a paypal receipt with every order. With paypal buttons he received this. With the shop it doesn't send the receipt. Any idea how to activate this? (in paypal?)

Thank you for your wonderfull product.
I will buy a lisence.


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